Near Fatal Traffic Accident

Yesterday, Approximately 12 miles away from Punta Gorda town on the PG San Antonio road about 11 AM a light brown Toyota Hilux was heading in the direction to Punta Gorda town, when the driver of the Hilux said he was about to exit off the road to his left and suddenly heard a loud…

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A Kindhearted Gesture

Julio “Balala” Muschamp, is an ordinary citizen of Punta Gorda town who continues to help the needy citizens in town. Mr. Balala and his friend Mr.Rene Pennell got assistance from the Hearth of Christ Ministry in the village of Roaring creek and gathered two electric wheel chair for citizens in need. On Saturday Mr. Balala…

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Tide Tours Wins Award

TIDE is a non-profit organization which manages 160,000 acres of land and sea-scape in Southern Belize, promoting sustainable resource use and implementing community development programs. TIDE has received multiple international awards that recognize its pioneering, innovative conservation programs that engage community members in natural resource management. TIDE tours, a grass roots tour operator in Punta…

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Execution in Punta Gorda

On Saturday night in what is usually a quiet part of town, neighbors were awaken by the sound of gunshots. A few minutes later police vehicle arrived, and a body was transported to the Punta Gorda hospital. That body was that of 24-year-old Mario Vernon Jr., grandson of Leela Vernon who passed away last year.

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