JAAF Inaugurate State of Art Tourism Building at TCC.

Yesterday, May 29th, the James Arthur Albert Foundation made another historic move by inaugurating a state-of-the-art, three-story tourism building at Toledo Community College. The building is fully equipped to facilitate training for students interested in pursuing careers in the tourism industry. This tourism building represents another achievement of the Foundation’s mission and vision to provide…

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Ministry of Agriculture Launches Farmer Support Project.

The Ministry of Agriculture, with backing from the Inter-American Development Bank, is initiating a project to aid 1,500 farmers nationwide. In Toledo, 250 farmers will be chosen to receive support to enhance agricultural production. On May 27th, Agriculture Department representatives visited Eldridge Village to brief farmers on the project and application procedures. However, farmers expressed…

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Education Week 2024

Education Week was observed last week from May 13th to 17th. Throughout the week, several activities took place, culminating in Teachers’ Day on Friday, May 17th. On this day, teachers from across the country came together to have fun. The BNTU Rural Branch in Toledo organized various activities for its members at the Victor Sanchez…

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Community uprising to save will Bauer Flats

In our recent newscast, we reported on the outrage among fisherfolk from Placencia following the Government’s decision to lift the dredging suspension at Will Bauer Flat. However, fishermen expressed grave concerns about dredging and its impact on the area. On May 15th, the fisherfolk united in protest against the dredging, which will cause serious damage…

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