Ya’axché Distributed Beekeeping Equipment to Local Farmer.

Beekeeping and honey production hold great potential for future growth, a vision that Ya’axché Conservation Trust is striving to realize by collaborating with the communities around the Maya Golden Landscape. On Friday, June 14th, Ya’axché distributed beekeeping equipment to local farmers engaged in beekeeping. The goal is to help these farmers increase their honey production,…

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JAAF Inaugurate State of Art Tourism Building at TCC.

Yesterday, May 29th, the James Arthur Albert Foundation made another historic move by inaugurating a state-of-the-art, three-story tourism building at Toledo Community College. The building is fully equipped to facilitate training for students interested in pursuing careers in the tourism industry. This tourism building represents another achievement of the Foundation’s mission and vision to provide…

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Ministry of Agriculture Launches Farmer Support Project.

The Ministry of Agriculture, with backing from the Inter-American Development Bank, is initiating a project to aid 1,500 farmers nationwide. In Toledo, 250 farmers will be chosen to receive support to enhance agricultural production. On May 27th, Agriculture Department representatives visited Eldridge Village to brief farmers on the project and application procedures. However, farmers expressed…

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