Support the Private Bill Initiative

Over the last couple of months representatives of the diaspora has been adamant about reaching an agreement with GOB that would allow Belizeans abroad to vote in the upcoming referendum. The discussion had been ongoing about the two-month residency requirement. Belizeans living overseas say it is a requirement that they can’t satisfy and up to now, there has been no ‘common ground’ solution to the disenfranchisement of the diaspora.  P.U.P.’s Caribbean Shores Area Representative, Kareem Musa, is now taking the matter to the House of Representatives and has drafted a bill which seeks do temporality suspend the two-month requirement to give the Belizeans the opportunity to vote on an issue of huge national importance. The members of the Diaspora have now started an online petition for Belizeans to support the Private Bill Initiative. There are asking all Belizeans to fill out the form and show your support. The form can be found here