Re-Registration in the Toledo District

The Re-registration process in Belize has begun and according to a preliminary report by the Elections and Boundaries Department, over 16,000 applications have been accepted during the period 2nd to 7th July 2018, a very astonishing number when considering the population of the country. But in Punta Gorda Town, the turnout percentage is not even a fraction of the national numbers. The process is slow and even though the Election and Boundaries Department her in Punta refuses to release the statistics it is easy to guesstimate that they will not be a rise in those numbers anytime soon. While many might use the poor showing in the urban areas to question the authenticity of that 16K the high volume turnout in the rural areas will quickly remove any doubts or skepticism. Rural Toledo has seen huge numbers and long lines of people eager to be a part of the democratic process.

Some Food for Thought: The Election and Boundaries Department has deployed a field team to check the validity of applications. With the sheer volume of people coming from remote areas, one can only hope that all those being registered are truly Belizeans and not Guatemalan immigrants from across the border.


PGTV would like to encourage all qualified persons to re-register. “Your Vote Depends on it” and to remember that this is not a political thing it’s a Belizean thing!