Youth Empowerment Toledo

On Friday, 20th April 2018, an inaugural meeting was held to launch the Youth Empowerment Toledo (YET) committee.  The group was organized by the Councillor responsible for Youth, Elderly, Public Utilities and the Environment Portfolio: Mr. Kevin Choc as well as Mayor Ashton Mckenzie. Committee members include the Department of Youth Services, UB Student Government, the…

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Marie Montenegro Farag is a kind and generous woman that is doing everything in her power to give back to her community. Some of you may even remember her from our last news segment “Children’s first Belize.” Mrs Farag will be graduating on May 19 with a master’s degree in public health. She plans on pursuing her Doctorate degree in…

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National Spelling Bee District finals a huge Success

Spelling Bee is a Nationwide Competition; where participants are asked to spell and recognize various words. The National Spelling Bee competition was held on April 19, 2018 at the Father Ring Parish hall, where several schools from the Toledo District competed. PGTV would like to congratulate Toledo Christian Academy for taking away first and second place and Jalacte RC School for…

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