A Pick Up Truck Lost Control And Overturn

Yesterday 12th December reports reaching us is that about 1:45 pm a pickup truck lost control and overturn on the new site road that leads towards Toledo Community College. It is alleged that an off-duty police officer was the driver. It is also alleged that the officer may have been under the influence of alcohol…

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Recycle Competition 2018

Last newscast we ran a story on the recycling competition among two high schools here in Toledo. Its theme, REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE. This competition is spearheaded by OCEANA and JIACA with support of the local business community including Belize Bank and PGTV. The project was to construct a Christmas tree using only recycled materials….

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UDP Convention Finally Here

The hype has been really building over the past few months about who would take the reigns as the next UDP standard bearer for Toledo East. After consecutive losses in the general election, the United Democratic Party is seeking a strong candidate that can finally take down the long-standing PUP candidate, the Hon. Mike Espat, as the…

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