Pastor Rafael Chuk hosts discussion on communal lands vs non communal lands

Yesterday, the village leaders of Big Falls were in the Dump Area to engage the residents and sensitize them on the Maya Land Tenure. At least two dozen residents gathered at Pastor Rafael Chuc’s church while retired teacher Carmelo Jaurez presented the pros and cons of communal lands. It was an engaging session for these residences and it’s a start to join forces with other communities that are against the communal lands system. Over the past couple of months, the communal land rights system has been making headlines because neighboring non-Maya communities are not happy with the CCJ ruling in 2015. These non-Maya communities and some residents within the Maya communities are disassociating themselves from communal land and have been sending clear messages to the Government of Belize to intervene so they can enjoy their private land ownership. PGTV was there and this is how that went.