Baha Issues Rabies Advisory

The Belize Agricultural Health Authority in collaboration with the Ministry of

Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise, the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Belize Livestock Producers Association, once again takes this opportunity to remind livestock producers, to vaccinate their animals against Rabies if they have not been vaccinated in the last six months. There has been a significant increase in cases.

Rabies is a highly fatal disease caused by a virus that can affect humans and all animals except birds. Many wild animals carry the virus without getting sick but can infect domestic animals. The Rabies virus attacks the nervous system and infected animals may present nervous signs which may include but are not limited to: change in behavior, excessive salivation, appearance of choking or gagging, incoordination, lameness, bellowing and nervous twitching. Rabies has no cure but is 100% preventable with immunization.

Additional information can be obtained from Livestock Officers and Extension Officers of the Department of Agriculture in the districts, BAHA animal health personnel, Belize Livestock Producers Association and Registered Veterinarians. You can also call 824 4872/73 or 302 1388.