Ya’axche and Eco Warriors join hands to highlight the Jaguar

Jaguars are one of the largest wild cats found in the Americas. It functions as an umbrella species for biodiversity conservation and symbolizes sustainable development. In Belize, Jaguars are protected and some organizations such as the Belize Audubon Society, Forestry Department, and Ya’axche Conservation Trust protect and educate about the importance of jaguars. Yesterday, the…

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phonics and reading tutoring

The Belize Youth Movement is a youth group that has been recently established that pledges to contribute to the development of Punta Gorda. The group consists of six executives and 2 members who have been working collectively to raise funds and do other community services in Punta Gorda Town. The BYM is currently tutoring young…

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Seaside Park and Big Sign

Last week a truck with workers from out of town showed up at Seaside Park and took down an existing sign and replaced it with a new sign. No PG resident was consulted and residents are concerned as the park is getting a facelift. The sign was erected in a space in the park that…

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Magoon Bridge not completed.

It has been over three months since the Magoon Bridge has not been completed. The Town council had promised on September 9th that the running boards would be up the following week, however, up to now, there is no work on the bridge. We did a visit over the weekend and encountered drivers taking risks…

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