Riparian Forest not being respected.

Last week, The Belize Territorial Volunteers took a trip to southern Belize in the areas of the Moho River. The BTV’s drone went up into the air to monitor the situation of the Riparian Forest which is very important along the rivers. They noted that the Riparian Forest are not being respected and are appealing…

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James Bus Line new Bus Card

Today’s world can often be observed as a cashless society. Here in Belize the use of cash for transactions is slowly phasing out from being the dominant form of payment. There are many institutions in Belize that now uses a SWIPE for money transaction and security purposes on a daily basis. Now an addition is…

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100 year Rosewood tree stolen.

While many people enjoy the dry weather and the outdoors during this time of the year, there are those who go around stealing peoples’ trees. Recently, in the village of Cattle Landing, someone went on a private property and stole a Rosewood Tree that was hundreds of years old. The Forest Department, PGTV, and all…

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Barranco is the oldest and southern most village in the country of Belize. It has existed long before the village of Midway.  As time went by, more and more Mayan family came and settled and eventually formed their own village which is now called Midway inside the Barranco Village limits. Well, as land has become…

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