National Spelling Bee Competition 2019

It is the 25th anniversary of the National Spelling Bee competition here in Belize. Yesterday the District finals spelling Bee competition was held at the Father Ring Parish Hall. This district final was the selection process having the top two students representing Toledo for the upcoming National competition that is scheduled for some time in…

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BTV Travels to Sarstoon

The Belize Peace Movement this weekend started with a journey from Belmopan that ended at the Sarstoon River.  The purpose of the trip was to inform Belizeans about the risk that they will be taken if they vote Yes to the ICJ.  The Belize Peace Movement strongly believes that Belizeans should vote No and that…

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Maya Day

This Sunday, March 24th all roads lead to Blue Creek Village where the Maya people will be celebrating Maya day.  This year’s theme is “Celebrating Our Identity”, the general public is invited.  This event has happened for more than five years now and keeps growing every year.

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Local Artist Hit Internation Scene

Brian Lambey, a native of Punta Gorda and a frequent visitor to PGTV and Fireside Studios, has taken his passion for music International.  On Saturday night there was a big boxing match at Dallas Stadium in Texas, where Mickie Garcia, who has also visited PGTV fought and outstanding fight.  Immediately after the fight, Brian Lambey’s…

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World Water Day

March 22nd each year is global World Water Day. World Water Day tries to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote sustainability for freshwater resources’ management. It’s a day to celebrate water. It’s a day to prepare for how we manage water in the future. Each year World Water Day highlights…

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Reef Week

It’s the sixth annual Reef Week in Belize and is being celebrated throughout the country. This year a schedule week of events has been provided from the 8th-15th of March. Residents of Toledo participated in the week by putting together kid’s activity. Yesterday we visited the Punta Gorda Multipurpose building, where activities were organized for…

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