Students Mostly From The University Of Belize Lend A Helping Hand To Nature

On Saturday, January 19th, a group of young, energetic, and independent students decided to lend a helping hand to nature. The students visited Sahil Tzool farm in Big Fall village and sowed over 300 mahogany seedlings. This was done under the supervision of the farm manager and Mr. Wil Maheia. The students mostly from the University of Belize and local high schools learned about the value of our national tree, the Mahogany. Mr Hector Bejerano demonstrates the right way to sow mahogany seeds. The students were happy to lend all four fingers and a green thumb. One student Mr. Kevin Avilez stated and I quote’ we can make a difference by doing our part in helping the environment”. Sahil Tzool farms would like to give special thanks to the young men and women who took part in this wonderful project and hope that they continue to be fruitful to our society.