Police Cadet Camp Finale

Positive Minds Create Great Leaders. Great Leaders Leave Positive marks. Positive Marks Inspire Fruitful Generations. Together Let’s Work to Develop Our Youths! This was this year’s theme for the annual police youth cadet summer camp 2018 which kicked off on Saturday, July 22nd. Well, after a week of activities the camp held its closing ceremony at the Toledo community college auditorium to recognize the hundreds of youths that participated. The camp was focused on sessions on life skills, educational lectures, tours, and sports. There were high ranking officers, proud cadets, and a lot of awards and recognition to go around.

After the ceremony, the cadets proudly marched through the streets of Punta Gorda. The parade was not only to symbolize the ending of the camp but also a means to display the work the cadets put in over the past week.