Secret ICJ Meeting in Punta Gorda

On Sunday, July 22nd, 2018 while everyone’s attention was focused on the Police Youth Cadet Summer Camp, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Hon Wilfred “Sedi” Elrington, quietly sneaked into Punta Gorda town to have a pro-ICJ conversation with a selected few. The only problem, the general public was not invited. There was no announcement, no ad, not even a Facebook post, and the golden ticket to enter this discussion was surely not extended to us here at PGTV. In fact, only high ranking members of the United Democratic Party here in Toledo and members of the Lodge were invited.

But, such behaviour has become the norm for the eccentric Foreign Minister whose comments never cease to amaze. Being in the southernmost district the people of the Toledo has the most to lose if the country were to go to the ICJ and lose. To date, there has not been a proper forum to fully discuss all the pros and cons of going to the ICJ and from the looks of things, there is not going to be one anytime soon. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and the UDP are trying to use the influence of the Lodge halls to get a yes vote from the Belizean people.