Guatemalan Fishermen charged with illegal fishing in the Port Honduras Marine reserve

Last week we told you about two Guatemalan fishermen who were caught illegally fishing in the Port Honduras Marine reserve. Today we can tell you the two Guatemalan Fishermen, David Medina and Dalin Bernardo Cruz appeared in PG court and was levied 5 charges.
1. Engaging in commercial fishing without a valid commercial fisher-folk license – $505.00
2. Engaging in commercial fishing without a valid boat license, $505.00
3. Use of gillnet in the Port Honduras Marine Reserve – $1005.00
4. Engaging in commercial fishing within the conservation zone- $1005.00
5. Illegal entry into Belize – $1005.00
The total charge per fisher is $4025.00 Failure to meet payment will result in 6 months imprisonment! The fishing boat and engine were ceased by the government of Belize.
This has been the third arrest by the Toledo Institute for development and environment (TIDE) this year. PGTV congratulates they who are actively protecting our resources.